with a slight dullness at the base of the left side of the tliorax 80 Mg Cialis close to the spine, but neither auscultation nor x rav could clearly establish the cause for this rather in- creased dullness. The cystoscope revealed a practically normal mucosa in the interior of the bladder, except about the trigone, where there were signs of engorgement and a few flocculent shreds covering isolated inflamed spots. Two centimetres above the trigone, in a space apparently deepened, 80 Mg Cialis were lodged many facetted calculi. One isolated, probably recently dislodged, stone was seen to the left of the trigone, imbedded deeply in the tissues and almost con- cealcil by inflammatory exudate. The urethra was in- sensitive and was dilatable without any force to 40 F. Without anesthesia a narrow wire kidney stone forceps was introduced into the bladder and. with the aid of the left index finger in the vagina, eleven calculi were easily removed. This was deemed sufficient for the first attempt, the patient's general condition prohibiting further efforts. No reaction followed, .•\ugust 9th, in the same manner, without anesthesia, twenty stones were removed. There was no visible injury to the urethra. About three hours after the second removal of the calculi, a slight chill, followed by a rise of tempera- ture to 102.4° F-. caused me some apprehension, but all subsided in a few hours with no further trouble from this ■ 80 Mg Cialis ^^^^^^T^l 1 ^^j?^ ^ / ^ 1 ^^^^& % ^^- - ^f III,,— Calculi removed from the bling gallstones in shape an80 Mg Cialis calculi was their strong resemblance to gallstones in shape and color, as the accompanying illus- tration shows. Upon section, each calculus consisted of an inner lighter substance, covered externally 80 Mg Cialis by a shell of dark brown appearance, and was composed of phosphates, urates, and oxalates. . The subsequent history was as follows : The paralysis of the bladder persisted, and the use of the catheter with daily irrigation of the bladder had to be continued. The growth of the breast, which had been dormant, seemingly at least, for so long a time, assumed after a few weeks more per- ceptible activity. The breast became somewhat more sensi- tive ; new spots of proliferation became manifest ; new nodules developed with a tendency to superficial ulceration in several spots. Progressive and rapid emaciation, with extreme exhaustion, rapidly supervened, undoubtedly due to cancerous cachexia, as the bladder showed scarcely any signs of sepsis, nor was there at any time fever to account for the systemic deterioration. The patient died November 6. 1017. about six or seven months after the first symptoms of serious urinary difficulty called for special attention. During all these months there were no percep- tible signs which could have been attributed to ,aietastasis within the sjjinal cord. Outside of the bladder difficulty no si.qn of either motor or sen- sory disturbance could be discerned any where in the body. I often wondered and sought an answer as to the pathf)logA- in this case. \\'as the paraly- sis motor or sensory in origin or both 80 Mg Cialis ? Was the complete anestliesia of the urethra alone sufficient to accot'nt for the retention of the urine? \\"hat Dart was played by the stones? What part by the cancer in the breast' I could find no answer to any question, and to this day I doubt whether a post mortem would have supplied any better 80 Mg Cialis infor- mation, though no opportunity was granted even to attempt this. :?4i4 Fast Fifty-kieth Street. MACKAIR: STATUS OF THE ABORTIONIST. 503 STATUS OF THE ABORTIONIST IN THE MODERN SOCIAL ORDER. By Robert H. MacNair, M. D., Springfield, Mass. If lamentable, it is 80 Mg Cialis a strong indication of the standing of the criminal abortionist in modern so- ciety today, when it is considered how quietly and gracefully his practice is ignored. A very recent case illustrates this fact. In one community of cul- ture and much refinement a young woman died, un- fortunately, as the 80 Mg Cialis result of an operation by one of these bungling crooks. Cornered, literally red handed, for it was stated that there had been much hemorrhage, the 80 Mg Cialis individual was apprehended by the oflicers of the law. Allowed 80 Mg Cialis to 80 Mg Cialis furnish bail, he pro- ceeded to a local bank and drew out just $5,000, the amount of his bond, even though it was well